Calacatta Cerviole

Calacatta Cerviole marble which is a specific variety of Calacatta marble that is quarried in Italy.

Calacatta Cerviole marble has a white background with bold and dramatic veins in shades of gray and gold, similar to other types of Calacatta marble. However, the veins in Calacatta Cerviole are often more tightly packed and intricate, giving it a unique and striking appearance.

This type of marble is highly prized for its beauty and elegance, and it is often used for high-end residential and commercial applications such as flooring, countertops, and wall cladding. Like other types of marble, Calacatta Cerviole is a natural stone and can vary in color and pattern from batch to batch. It is important to view samples in person before making a final decision to ensure that the stone meets your expectations.